This number is indicative of the risk of the product, being 1/6 indicative of lower risk and 6/6 of higher risk.

Banco Santander is attached to the Credit Institutions Deposit Guarantee Fund. For money deposits the maximum guaranteed amount is 100,000 euros per depositor in each credit institution.




A children's account with access to a prepaid card

The Cuenta Mini is Santander's children's non-interest bearing account1, aimed at minors (until they turn 18) and with no maintenance or administration fees (NIR 0%, APR 0%).

Prepaid Mini Card

With this children's account you can request a prepaid card that, although not compulsory, has the following benefits:

  • Allows purchases to be made in physical stores and online.
  • If cash is required, this card lets the holder withdraw cash at any Santander ATM with no charges.
  • It is very easy to top up the balance: via Online Banking, the Santander App, by phone and any of our branches.
  • You have more control: spending is limited to the balance on the card.
  • You can check the card's CVV and PIN from your Santander App or Online Banking.

How can I open the Cuenta Mini?

Open this children's account now at any Banco Santander branch and start enjoying all its benefits.

What important information do I need to know about the Mini Account?

Before signing up for the account, it is important that you carefully consult and review these documents:

  • Pre-contractual information: which describes how the account works and its characteristics. You'll find the most important things highlighted in bold.
  • Fees information document: includes the fees to be paid for the most common services associated with the account.

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.

Most common questions about this account

What happens to the account when the holder turns 18? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

The conditions of accounts intended for customers as of that age will apply, which will be communicated to the holder with the advance notice established in the contract. Furthermore, from that moment on, the participation of the Legal Representative in the contract is no longer necessary.

Who should appear as a representative? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

The legal representative, this is the parents, who exercise parental authority over the minor, or the court appointed legal guardian.

As it a prepaid card, can you see balances and movements? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

The movements of the Prepaid Mini Card can be consulted free of charge at Santander ATMs with the card's PIN and using Banco Santander Online Banking, the Santander App and Wallet.

What are the maximum and minimum amounts that can be loaded on the prepaid card? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

The minimum amount is € 6, while the maximum limit allowed on the card is € 900.

How do you transfer and top up the balance of the Prepaid Mini Card? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

Via Online Banking and the Santander App for your convenience. And you can also do it in any branch, Santander ATM or by Telephone Banking.

Can the legal representatives of the minor have access to the account if they do not appear as representatives in the account? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

The minor's legal representative may have access to the account by proving, if they have not already done so, their status as representative. The ‘family book’ is used as evidence when the legal representative is the father or mother. If the legal representative is not the father or the mother but a guardian, the latter must present the relevant documentary evidence.

Can emancipated minors open the account? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

Emancipated minors cannot open the account.

Does the account admit direct debits? And overdrafts? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

The account does allow direct debits, but does not admit any type of overdraft or debit positions as the owner is a minor.

Does the account have a passbook? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

The account does not have a passbook.

If you lose the Prepaid Mini Card, do you lose the balance? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

No, because the balance associated to the contract, not the card. If you lose it, request a new one and the balance will be the same as you had on the previous one.

Taking out the prepaid card is not mandatory, but what if you don't take it out and then wish you had? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

If you do not request it when opening the account, you can do it at a later time.

Can the Mini Prepaid Card be topped up by someone other than the legal representative? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

Any customer of the Bank can by accessing Online Banking or the Santander App, and selecting the option Top up prepaid cards of other cardholders.

Can the card be cancelled? Icon / PlusCreated with Sketch.Icon / minusCreated with Sketch.

It can be cancelled, but previously you must transfer the balance from the card to the account (if any).

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.

Frequent questions

    Who should appear as a representative? What happens to the account when the holder turns 18?
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Cuenta Mini

Icon / check Created with Sketch. For children and young people between 0 and 17 years old.

Icon / check Created with Sketch. With a prepaid card that can be easily topped up.

Icon / check Created with Sketch. A way to encourage financial education.


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