Retirement savings for residents of the Basque Country

The Voluntary Social Provision Entities (Entidades de Previsión Social Voluntaria - EPSV) are in charge of managing social provision plans, for residents of the Basque Country. These pension schemes allow you to save to obtain a supplementary income to your pension.

With the plans designed by Banco Santander, you only have to decide how much to save and how much risk to take, and a team of professionals takes care of the rest.

Mi Proyecto Santander Sostenible

Five schemes managed under a single life cycle strategy and with sustainable and responsible criteria in the management of its portfolio.

Mi Plan Santander

Mi Plan Santander Invest in different assets combining them according to the risk you want to assume.

Variable Income Pension Schemes

Four plans that invest in stocks and cover different geographic areas and investment styles.

Fixed Income Pension Schemes

These plans invest in fixed income assets, mainly the bond market.

Five schemes with sustainable criteria

It is a range of five plans with different investment horizons, based on the Life Cycle investment strategy. The Life Cycle strategy offers a diversified portfolio that reduces the risk level of the pension plan as the target retirement date approaches. In addition, the Mi Proyecto Santander Sostenible range applies sustainable and responsible criteria in the management of its investments.

Mi Proyecto Santander Sostenible 2025, PPSI

  • Aimed at people with a medium risk profile and with an expected retirement age around 2025.
  • Medium risk.

Mi Proyecto Santander Sostenible 2030, PPSI

  • Aimed at people with a medium risk profile and with an expected retirement age around 2030.
  • Medium risk.

Mi Proyecto Santander Sostenible 2035, PPSI

  • Aimed at people with a medium risk profile and with an expected retirement age around 2035.
  • Medium risk.

Mi Proyecto Santander Sostenible 2040, PPSI

  • Aimed at people with a high risk profile and with an expected retirement age around 2040
  • High risk.

Mi Proyecto Santander Sostenible Smart, PPSI

  • Aimed at people with a high risk profile and with an expected retirement age around 2045.
  • High risk.

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.

A plan adapted to your risk profile

The range of Pension Plans invests in different assets combining them depending on the risk you want to assume.

Choose, among all the plans in this range, the one that best suits your investment criteria. In case you want to change the profile of the investment, you can do it at any time by exchanging between one of greater or lesser level of risk.

Mi Plan Santander Crecimiento, PPSI

  • Mixed Fixed Income Plan which can invest between 0% and 30% of its assets in Variable Income.
  • Recommended minimum investment term of 3 years.
  • Medium risk.

Mi Plan Santander Moderado, PPSI

  • Mixed Fixed Income Plan which can invest between 20% and 60% of its assets in Variable Income.
  • Recommended minimum investment term of 5 years.
  • Medium risk.

Mi Plan Santander Decidido, PPSI

  • Variable Fixed Income Plan which can invest between 40% and 90% of its assets in Variable Income.
  • Precommended minimum investment term of 7 years.
  • Medium risk.

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.

Plans by geographic area and investment styles

The Range of Equity Pension Plans is made up of five plans covering different geographical areas and investment styles. They are the ideal plans if you have a long-term retirement horizon and are willing to take on the risk of investing in stocks.

Santander ASG RV Europa, PPSI

  • Investment area: Europe.
  • Investment style: invest in European companies with good fundamentals, competitive advantages and healthy balance sheets.
  • This plan applies extra-financial criteria or sustainable and responsible investment.
  • Recommended investment term of 10 years.
  • High risk.

Santander Sostenible RV Global, PPSI

  • Investment area: USA, Europe and Japan.
  • Investment style: geographic diversification, covering the main developed equity markets.
  • This plan applies extra-financial criteria or sustainable and responsible investment.
  • Recommended investment term of 10 years.
  • High risk.

Santander ASG RV North America, PPSI

  • Investment area: USA.
  • Investment style: active and flexible management of the different North American Equity markets, being able to invest in shares, as in other Collective Investment Institutions (CIIs) of North American Equities.
  • This plan applies extra-financial criteria or sustainable and responsible investment.
  • Recommended investment term of 10 years.
  • High risk.

Santander Future Wealth, PPSI

  • Investment area: Global.
  • Investment style: multi-thematic pension plan that seeks to participate in innovation and the megatrends of the future, in the long term.
  • This plan applies extra-financial criteria or sustainable and responsible investment.
  • Recommended investment term of 10 years.
  • High risk.

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.

Diversified investment in fixed income plans

If you are looking for medium-long term profitability expectations, these are the right plans for you since they invest in fixed income assets. These plans invest mainly in the bond market, both sovereign and private, European and international issuers, with maturities generally exceeding one year, seeking to make the most of fixed income.

Santander ASG Renta Fija Corto Plazo, PPSI

  • This invests all of its assets in short-term public and private fixed income assets in the euro area. The average duration of the assets is between 0 and 12 months.
  • This plan applies extra-financial criteria or sustainable and responsible investment.
  • Low risk.

Santander ASG Renta Fija, PPSI

  • This focuses its investment in fixed-income assets, mainly from public or semi-public issuers, which may include private companies, mostly from the euro area.
  • The average duration of the portfolio is around 4 years.
  • Medium risk.

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.


Social Provision Schemes

Icon / check Created with Sketch. Choose a pension scheme according to your age.

Icon / check Created with Sketch. Invest in different levels of risk.

Icon / check Created with Sketch. Entrust your investment to a group of professionals.


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