Life annuity insurance

Life annuity insurance is a type of individual life insurance designed to guarantee a life annuity for the rest of the insured person's life, including a total insured sum in case of death, which will be a known amount at the time the policy is taken out.

RAV 101 Patrimonios

This insurance policy guarantees a series of regular fixed payments until the death of the insured party. At the time of death of the insured party, the policy's beneficiaries will receive an amount equivalent to 101.01% of the premium paid.

The beneficiaries are selected when the policy is taken out and may or may not be the legal heirs since the insurance does not cover the deceased's estate.

This product is the perfect choice if you wish to receive a guaranteed annuity for the rest of your life, in which the people you choose to receive the sum invested plus an additional amount.

RAV Reinversión

This insurance policy is eligible for tax exemptions for capital gains if you have sold an asset during the last six months, such as a property, shares or investment funds.

The product guarantees a series of regular fixed payments until the death of the insured party. At the time of the death of the insured party, the beneficiaries will receive a series of payments that will decrease, depending on the life annuity of the policy of which the deceased was the holder. This capital in the event of death is equal to 95% of the invested capital during the first year, decreasing with each year of the policy by 5% until the tenth annuity, when it will remain at 50% of the initial invested amount from then on.

This product is for you if you are over 65 years old and have received capital gains resulting from the sale of assets in the past six months, and wish to receive a life annuity for the rest of your life with certain tax benefits, while also protecting the designated beneficiaries in the event of death.

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  • What is annuity insurance?

  • This is an individual life insurance policy whose goal is to guarantee a series of regular payments (annuity) for the rest of the insured person's life, including death benefits that will be a known amount at the time the policy is taken account and which will depend on each product.

    The product is structured based on two insurance operations: part of the contribution is allocated to a life insurance policy that guarantees the death benefits; the rest of the contribution is allocated to an annuity insurance policy through which the insurance company will pay the annuity.
  • What is the gross income?

  • This is the guaranteed amount received by the policyholder, without taking into account the corresponding taxes, which will be applied prior to payment into the account indicated by the policyholder.
  • What are the death benefits?

  • This is the amount, indicated when the policy is taken out, received by the selected beneficiaries at the time of death of the insured party, who do not necessarily have to be the insured party's legal heirs, and which is not part of the deceased's estate.
  • Can I redeem my policy?

  • Life Annuities are products designed with a lifetime vocation, this means that their duration is until the death of the Insured, but we understand that their circumstances may change so that total redemption can be requested from the beginning of the policy. In the event of redemption, all the tax advantages that would have been enjoyed will be lost. The amount you will receive in the event of redemption will be the lesser of the following values: the death capital, the mathematical provision and the market value of the linked investment, so it may be an amount lower than the initial premium contributed.
  • What are the risks of these products?

  • Risk of a reduction in value of the assets with which the surrender value is referenced. Risk that the insurance company may not be able to meet its payment obligations with the policyholders. Risk of possible negative impact of sustainability factors (known as ESG factors: environmental, social and good governance), which may cause a negative impact on the financial performance of the portfolios associated with the insurance product.
  • What regular information will I receive about my product?

  • You will receive information regarding payments received, the value of the mathematical reserve and the surrender value every six months.

    You will receive an annual statement of costs and expenses incurred during the calendar year of your policy.

    You can also find out the value of your policy at any time by visiting your Banco Santander branch or in the personal area of the Banco Santander app.

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