Financing and short-term management of the settlement of invoices resulting from your sales

Do not wait until the due date of your invoices to collect them, receive them in advance with Banco Santander Descuento comercial y anticipo de facturas, and have the money when you need it.

The commercial discounting and advance payment of invoices allows you to finance and manage the short-term collection of the rights arising from the sale of goods or the provision of services resulting from your business activity. To do this, you transfer the collection of your sales instrumented in documents (bills, promissory notes, receipts, invoices, etc.) to the bank and you receive the amount of the document less the interest and the fees, and the bank takes charge of all the procedures.

How to arrange it

Request the Santander Anticipo de Facturas service at your nearest Santander branch.

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.

These are the products that support advance payment

Banco Santander's Descuento comercial y anticipo de facturas range includes

Discounting of Promissory Notes and Bills

Discounting is a financial product through which the bank advances the amount of the commercial papers (bills of exchange and promissory notes) drawn against third parties and which are representative of a commercial transaction.

Here are some of their characteristics:

  • The financing is simple, recurring and flexible, since the customer decides the bills or promissory notes for which he wishes to receive the advance payment.
  • The settlement of interest in this case is performed when discounting the promissory notes and bills, with this being established at a fixed or variable rate.
  • In this option, the documents are stamped and the Bank is responsible for managing the collection of documents.
  • In case of non-payment, a charge is made automatically against the customer's account to recover the debt.

Anticipo de Crédito

This commercial discounting permits the advance payment of documents held by the customer against debtors for operations specific to their commercial or business activity. In this manner the customer obtains financing until the due date of the commercial credits.

The conditions are as follows:

  • Flexible financing, since the customer decides the credits for which he wishes to receive early payment, as well as the type of settlement, which can be when discounting, (at the time of arrangement) or by balance (periodic at the end of each month/quarter/or a fixed day of the month).
  • The customer can also choose the time of the financing and the amount if the settlement is established by balances.
  • In this option, the documents are not stamped and the Bank is responsible formanaging the collection of documents.
  • In case of non-payment, charge is made automatically against the customer's account to recover the debt.

Anticipo de Facturas

This is the solution in which the customer obtains financing from the moment the invoices are issued, by paying a percentage of the amount of the collection rights borne on physical invoices, works certificates and Confirming letters from other entities.

Find out more about its characteristics:

  • Flexible financing, since the customer decides the invoices for which he wishes to receive early payment, as well as the type of settlement, which can be when discounting, (at the time of arrangement) or by balance (periodic at the end of each month/quarter/or a fixed day of the month).
  • In this commercial discounting, the customer can also choose the time of the financing and the amount, if the settlement is established by balances.
  • No collection management is carried out, causing the cancellation of the financing upon maturity by a charge to the customer's account.

The only requirement is that the customer arranges to have these invoices credited to their Banco Santander account.

Gestión de Cobro

This is the method for arranging and settling credit documents that the customer holds with its debtors, but without the advance payment of the funds as the payment will be made on the due date of each bill or repayment. It is the Bank who presents the contracted debt to the debtor on the due date on behalf of the creditor, which has previously been delivered to us in physical or electronic format. This is also the case if said debtor has an account in our bank, or other banks.

These are the main features:

  • The settlement of costs for this option will be charged to the customer either at the time of arrangement or on the payment of the nominal amounts for the bills that have fallen due on that day, depending on which option was selected at the time of arrangement (except for the settlement of the tax on deeds, if any, which is always performed during the settlement process during arrangement).

When the customer does not require financing or if for commercial reasons he has not been granted the possibility of financing, we talk about Collection Management Portfolio contracts.

Shall we discuss it?

If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.


Descuento comercial y anticipo de facturas


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