Investment funds
Discover our range of funds and choose one that suits your investment objectives and period.
An investment fund is an investment instrument formed by the equity of many investors, in which investment decisions are made by a managing entity, which holds the representation and administration of the fund, as it lacks legal personality.
There are several advantages offered by funds as investment instruments:
Spreading the investment in different types of assets and its management by a professional mitigates the risk assumed when contracting financial products. It also makes it possible to differentiate the destination of the investment according to the risk and the term of the investment.
They allow the investment to be reimbursed at the corresponding net asset value according to market valuation. In general, the maximum period in which the investor should receive their money is 3 days from the request for their refund.
The investment policy, risks and fundamental characteristics of the funds are reflected in their prospectuses and key information documents (FDD), available both from the corresponding supervisory body (in Spain, the National Securities Market Commission - CNMV -), and on the website of the managing entity of the same.
If you are a company and want to invest in investment funds, you should know that:
By investing your company's capital through Santander Asset Management you will be trusting the second largest asset manager in Spain, with 88,000 million assets under management, 52 years of experience, presence in 10 countries and a team of more than 850 global professionals. With a wide range of products, Santander Asset Management manages more than 40,000 million in ESG vehicles1.
Depending on the level of risk you wish to take, the indicative time horizon and the expected return, Santander Asset Management offers different investment funds for companies, bearing in mind:
Learn about the benefits of the investment funds that the Bank markets, come to you nearest Santander office where we will explain all the details.
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Investment funds involve certain risks (market, credit, liquidity, currency, interest rate, sustainability, etc.), so there is a risk of losing all or part of the investment. The risks are detailed in the fund's Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document (KIID).
Due to the quality of the assets invested in, as well as the issuers of these assets. This is the risk assumed regarding the possibility that the issuer may be unable to pay the capital or interest on the issued instrument.
The possibility that financial instruments are listed or have a value below the price we have paid for them. In this regard, the investments may be affected by:
Investing in derivatives (futures, options, etc.) may incorporate higher risk given the nature of these products.
The risk that no counterparty is found in the market and, therefore, a product cannot be sold.
These risks correspond to environmental, social or governmental events or conditions. The sustainability risk of the investments will depend, among others, on the type of issuer, the sector of activity and its geographical location.
The Spanish Securities Market Commission (CNMV) warns that this fund may invest a percentage of 20% in fixed income issues of low creditworthiness, i.e., with a high credit risk.
The Spanish Securities Market Commission (CNMV) warns that this fund may invest a percentage of 15% in fixed income issues of low creditworthiness, i.e., with a high credit risk.
Learn about the benefits of the investment funds that the Bank markets, come to you nearest Santander office where we will explain all the details.
If you are not yet a customer, become a customer online and access all Banco Santander products.
The Spanish Securities Market Commission (CNMV) warns that this fund may invest a percentage of 25% in fixed income issues of low creditworthiness, i.e., with a high credit risk.
The Spanish Securities Market Commission (CNMV) warns that this fund may invest a percentage of 40% in fixed income issues of low creditworthiness, i.e., with a high credit risk.
This fund continuously invests at least 85% of its assets in units/shares of the Santander SICAV - SANTANDER AM EURO EQUITY fund, class M.
How to contract
Learn about the benefits of the investment funds that the Bank markets, come to you nearest Santander office where we will explain all the details.
If you are not yet a customer, become a customer online and access all Banco Santander products.