Easy management of your accounts and financial products

Access your business online banking portal by entering your credentials from any computer, and choose how to display all of your products and services.

How can you personalise your business online banking experience?

  1. In the top menu, click on the "Configuration" icon:  .
  2. Select "Personalisation", identified with the icon: .
  3. Here, you access all of the operations to personalise your business online banking experience.

What can I personalise in my business online banking experience?

  • Your overall position you can hide products, put them in your preferred order, and assign them an alias for easy identification.
  • Shortcut to your favourite transactions: you get create a shortcut for your most common transactions.
  • Your alerts: set up the type of alert to keep track of what is happening with your products.
  • Your account groups: create an account group to view the activity of multiple accounts at a glance.

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