Platform for public aid and NextGenEU funding
Platform for public aid and NextGenEU funding
Services for customers with a search platform
At Santander we want to accompany and support SMEs as they pursue their business projects, by offering our experience and expertise in applying for grants under the Next Generation EU funding.
We also offer financial products to guarantee, advance and/or further supplement any public funding you may receive, tailored to the specific requirements of each grant and business project.
Access various complementary lines of financing to obtain the funding you need to cover the total cost of your project.
Lease any type of goods or equipment you need to get your EU-funded project off the ground, including the option to purchase them once your project is complete.
Rent state-of-the-art equipment to get your financed project up and running. Easy to arrange and without a big impact on your cash flow.
With Cobro Ágil (Agile Payment), we advance you the amount of the public grant as soon as it is approved so you can get started on your project right away without having to wait for payment.
If the entity awarding the grant insists on collateral, you can rely on us for any type of bank guarantee, whether digital or in paper format, national or international. Digital guarantees are filed at the Royal Mint of Spain (Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre).
1. Financing subject to prior approval by the Bank.
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