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The Smart Fund is a financing initiative that accompanies companies and SMEs in the development and execution of their growth, sustainable, innovative, digital initiatives that promote job creation.
It covers organic and inorganic growth projects, both national and international, with a wide range of fund destinations (R&D+i, tangible and intangible assets, expansion of existing units, new business units, new subsidiaries, M&A, others).
The Smart Fund offers companies and SMEs long-term finance and with a grace period to undertake strategic projects for growth, sustainability, innovation, digitalisation and the creation of employment.
All projects are supported by flexible structures adapted to your needs.
In this way, the company will be able to focus on its sustainable growth by developing projects that multiply its profitability.
In addition, it will benefit from ongoing support with financial and non-financial solutions.
The Smart Fund supports customers in all phases of their growth, funding their business development projects, both organic and inorganic, nationally and internationally, with a wide range of funds. There are three facilities, depending on the stage of development of the companies:
The type of debt is adapted to the type of project. Thus, this financial support represents a new temporary alternative to capital. As it is funding growth, it is not aimed at companies for financing working capital or for restructuring their liabilities. The financial and developer sectors are also excluded.
Smart Fund is backed by the InnovFin SME Guarantee Facility, which has the European Union's financial support under the Horizon 2020 financial instrument.
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For the exponential income phase, the Fund offers the Smart Impulse Facility with a budget of 20 million euros. Aimed at SMEs with a minimum turnover of 1 million euros and whose income is multiplied. It offers a maximum of 2 million euros of funding for up to five years. The main instruments used are ordinary debt and subordinated debt, although other formulas such as convertible financing are also considered.
For the expansion phase, the Fund offers the Smart Growth Facility, with a budget of 1.000 million euros. Aimed at companies and SMEs with a turnover of between 3 and 100 million euros and high EBITDA growth. It offers a maximum of 15 million euros for up to 10 years. The instruments used are mainly ordinary and convertible debt.
For the consolidation phase, the Fund offers the Smart Progress Facility, with a budget of 100 million euros. Aimed at companies and SMEs with a turnover of between 10 and 100 million euros, which show profitable growth and already have sophisticated financial structures. It offers a maximum of 10 million euros for up to 10 years. The main instruments used to match the existing funding are ordinary and subordinated debt.
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The Fund provides support to companies and SMEs insofar as it provides them with strategic financing to carry out their investments under conditions that are more flexible than ordinary financing in terms of maturity, repayment of the principal, etc., and adapting to the cash generation of the projects. The Fund works as a separate initiative from the ordinary granting of loans and takes into account the quantitative and qualitative factors of projects, prioritising those that promote sustainability, digitisation, job creation or innovation.
This is another of the main advantages of the Fund. In contrast to other financing channels already on the market such as Private Equity, funding rounds for start-ups or capital increases, the Fund allows entrepreneurs to finance the growth of their businesses without having to give up management capacity, which will continue to be fully under their control. And in turn they will be able to count on an entity like Banco Santander to support them and offer them their full range of financial and non-financial services.
The Fund is aimed specifically at SMEs, or somewhat larger companies with a turnover of €100 million, that want to develop projects that promote sustainability, digitisation, innovation or job creation. The philosophy of the Fund is to support companies in all their growth phases, from the initial post-startup phases (turnover up to €3 million) in which the objective is growth in turnover (Smart Impulse), moving on to the next stage (turnover between €3 million and €100 million) where the objective is the consolidation of operating profit (Smart Growth), up to a phase (turnover between €10 million and €100 million) focused on increasing profitability (Smart Progress).
The financing will be structured according to the cash generation capacity of the projects and the repayment capacity will be assessed based on the business plan forecasts. In addition to the analysis of the projects based on financial criteria, other qualitative criteria of the projects are taken into account, with particular emphasis on evaluating their contribution to sustainability, innovation, digitisation or job creation. Financing will be mainly evaluated considering the repayment capacity of the projects themselves and additional guarantees will be required only when necessary.
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To request financing from the Fondo Smart Impulse, go to the next form.
To request financing from the Fondo Smart Growth or the Fondo Smart Progress, contact your personal manager if you are a Santander customer. If you are not a customer, contact the closest Santander Spain Business Branch for advice regarding the most appropriate financing for your project.
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