Did you experience losses in your business due to the COVID situation?

The Junta de Andalucía has published a Covid line of direct grants for the self-employed and businesses to mitigate the effects of COVID. This public grants scheme forms part of Royal Decree 5/2021, which sets out to provide companies and the self-employed with EUR 7,000 million in public grants.

What does the grant consist of?

The finalist grant consists of a sum of money which must be exclusively used to pay off debt and make payments to suppliers, including the wages of employees, and other creditors, financial or non-financial, and the fixed costs incurred by the party applying for the grant, provided the payments accrued between 1 March 2020 and 31 May 2021, in relation to contracts prior to 13 March 2021, and, in all cases, are pending payment at 31 May 2021 and are cash debts.

What are the specifications in Andalusia with respect to RD 5/2021?

The grants will also extend to sectors affected in the Region of Andalusia, a total of 249 economic activities accepted in the public notice, an extension of 154 with respect to the 95 originally stipulated in Royal Decree 5/21.

Additionally, the procedure for approval of the subsidy in Andalusia is carried out in two phases. Phase 1 consists of filling in a preliminary form authorising the Junta de Andalucía and the AEAT tax agency to consult the company's tax data for an automatic calculation of the subsidy applicable if the requisites have been met. Subsequently, during Phase 2, when the automatic consultation of the AEAT shows a positive outcome, the potential beneficiary may present a second form to commence the approval procedure.

Which persons can be beneficiaries?

The following persons can be beneficiaries of direct grants1:

  • Entrepreneurs or professionals, entities, permanent establishments of persons or non-financial non-resident entities and groups carrying out any of the economic activities listed in Annexes I and II of the Decree-Law, whose annual volume of operations, in value-added tax (VAT) or equivalent indirect tax in 2020 fell by more than 30% with respect to 2019.
  • Entrepreneurs or professionals applying the objective-estimate personal income tax system carrying out any of the economic activities listed in Annexes I and II of the Decree-Law.

Nor will the authorities consider as potential beneficiaries any entrepreneurs or professionals, consolidated entities and groups which, in their direct estimate of personal income tax, corporation tax or non-resident income tax for 2019 declared a net negative result.

What requirements must I satisfy?

Beneficiaries of the grants must meet the following requisites:

  • They must be registered for tax purposes in Andalusia (with the exception of the scenarios stipulated in Article 5.2 section h) of the Decree-Law.1.
  • They must have carried on at least one of the economic activities defined in Annexes I and II of the Decree-Law (see link) in 2019 and 2020, and still be exercising this activity when the application is made.
  • They must not have been convicted on a firm ruling barring them from obtaining subsidies or public grants or for offences relating to prevarication, bribery, misappropriation of public funds, influence peddling, fraud and illegal collection of funds or urban development offences.
  • They must not have given rise to the definitive termination of any contract drawn up with the authorities.
  • They must not have requested voluntary bankruptcy proceedings, they must not have been declared insolvent in any proceedings, they must not be in bankruptcy, unless an agreement has been reached in such proceedings, they must not be subject to judicial proceedings or have been declared ineligible as per Bankruptcy Law 22/2003 of 9 July, if the period of ineligibility established in the bankruptcy ruling has not terminated.
  • They must not have tax residence in a country or territory officially classified as a tax haven.
  • They must be up to date concerning compliance with their tax and social security obligations.
  • They must be up to date with the payment of their obligations in relation to refunds of subsidies and public grants.

The formula for calculating the volume of operations to be considered to determine the downturn in activity in accordance with the various types of potential beneficiaries is established pursuant to the criteria defined in Article 5 of the Decree-Law.

In addition to these requisites, the beneficiaries of the grants must undertake the following obligations:

  • They must continue the activity making them eligible for the subsidy up to 30 June 2022.
  • Refrain from distributing dividends in 2021 and 2022.
  • Refrain from approving any increases in the remuneration of senior management over a period of two years following approval of the subsidy.
  • Provide any information that may be required by the Junta de Andalucía, for proper administration and management of the subsidy.
  • Provide the Junta de Andalucía with the information necessary for compliance with the stipulations of Law 1/2014 of 24 June.
  • They must submit to any checking and financial controls that may be carried out by the Junta de Andalucía's Financial Accounting Department, the Court of Auditors and the Andalusian Accounts Board. 
  • The general obligations set out in Articles 14.1 and 46.1 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November.

How much is the grant?

The subsidy will consist of an amount calculated pursuant to the following criteria:

  • Entrepreneurs or professionals applying the objective-estimate personal income tax system: the subsidy will be approved as the lesser amount of the total sum set out in the application as subsidisable expenditure and EUR 3,000.
  • Entrepreneurs and professionals with a downturn of more than 30% in 2020 in their annual volume of business, in VAT or equivalent indirect tax, with respect to 2019: the subsidy will be approved as the lesser amount of the total sum set out in the application as subsidisable expenditure and the following:
  • A 40% downturn in the volume of operations in 2020 with respect to 2019, in excess of 30%, an amount which may not be less than EUR 4,000 or more than EUR 200,000, in the case of entrepreneurs or professionals applying the personal income tax direct-estimate system, and also permanent establishments and entities with a maximum of 10 employees.
  • A 20% downturn in the volume of operations in 2020 with respect to 2019, in excess of this 30%, an amount which may not be less than EUR 4,000 or more than EUR 200,000, in the case of companies and entrepreneurs or professionals and permanent establishments with more than 10 employees.

  • Companies that have made a structural modification to the company: the subsidy will be approved as the lesser amount of the total sum set out in the application as subsidisable expenditure and EUR 3,000.
  • In the event of registration of activity or incorporation of companies after 31 December 2019: the subsidy will be approved as the lesser amount of the total sum set out in the application as subsidisable expenditure and EUR 3,000.

What documentation will I be asked for in the application?

During Phase 1 of the application process, the party concerned must present a preliminary form with at least the following information, using the standardised format established to this end:

  1. Tax number of the applicant.
  2. Indication of whether they intend to apply for grants in territories other than that in which they are registered for tax.
  3. Whether, in 2019 and 2020, they formed part of a group applying a special-territory tax consolidation system, the composition of this group in 2020, and whether any of its companies paid VAT to a special-territory tax authority exclusively during those years.
  4. Whether, in 2019 and 2020, they formed part of a group applying a common-territory tax consolidation system, and whether any of its companies exclusively paid VAT to a special-territory tax authority during those years.
  5. Whether they exclusively carry out operations not liable for tax or exempt from tax with no obligation to submit periodic VAT self-assessments, and determine payment in instalments in accordance with the procedure described in Article 40.2 of Corporation Tax Law 27/2014 of 27 November, or whether they are entities using the income-allocation system.

When the preliminary form has been completed in Phase 1, and when the communication has been provided for the Junta de Andalucía to gain access to the reply facilitated by the AEAT as to whether the potential beneficiaries meet the requisites established in the public notice, the parties concerned may initiate the procedure to apply for approval of the subsidy (Phase 2) by filling in the standardised document to this end, which requires the following data:

  1. The data of the entity or the party concerned and, where applicable, of the representative.
  2. Mobile phone number and e-mail address of the party concerned
  3. A list of the debts, payments pending and fixed costs incurred and pending payment to which the subsidy will be applied, along with the limit of the maximum amount corresponding, including identification of the supplier/creditor, the item, excluding VAT, the total amount pending payment and the date of issuance.
  4. Digitalised copy of the invoices in the preceding list or documents with equivalent probatory value.
  5. Amount requested, which will be the sum of the amounts pending payment in relation to the debts, payments and fixed costs incurred that meet the preliminary requisites in the public notice, calculated pursuant to the criteria of Article 7 of the Decree-Law.
  6. Bank account to enable the payment to be made.
  7. CNAE activity code with respect to which the subsidy is being requested, within those established in Annexes I and II of the Decree-Law.
  8. A responsible declaration by the signatory, as follows:
  • That they are acting as the representative of the applicant, and are authorised to represent it at the time of signature of the application, where applicable.
  • That they meet the requisites to act as the company or person benefiting from the subsidies regulated in this Decree-Law.
  • That they are unaffected by any of the circumstances making them ineligible as a beneficiary.
  • That they are the holder of the bank account stated in the application to receive the subsidy.
  • Situation in relation to applications for other subsidies, grants, income or resources for the same purpose, from any public authorities or public or private domestic or foreign bodies.
  • That the list of debts, payments pending and fixed costs incurred pending payment to which the subsidy will apply meets the requisites of the public notice and the veracity of the digitalised copies of the invoices or documents with an equivalent probatory value.
  • If the applicant is affected by any of the scenarios stipulated in the second paragraph of Article 6.2, Article 6.3 or Article 6.5 of the Decree-Law. In the case of Article 6.3, they will have to state the net turnover for the years 2019 and 2020.
  • That they undertake to refrain from approving any increases in the remuneration of senior management over a period of two years following approval of the subsidy, to maintain the activity relating to the subsidy at 30 June 2022, and to refrain from distributing dividends in 2021 and 2022.
  • That all the data in the application are truthful.
  • That, if they become a beneficiary, they undertake to comply with the conditions imposed and to maintain the requisites demanded over the period envisaged, and to notify any changes to same.

In order to verify that the persons or companies applying for the subsidies meet the requisites demanded, presentation of the application will automatically entail authorisation to the management body to consult or collect the certifications or the necessary data issued by the AEAT tax agency, the General Social Security Treasury and the department responsible for treasury affairs in the Junta de Andalucía.

Finally, in relation to accreditative documentation, there is no need to present any additional documentation along with the application and the digitalised copies, except in the following scenarios:

  1. Evidence of the existence of the situation envisaged in the second paragraph of Article 6.2 of the Decree-Law must be provided by the applicant by submission of the declarations presented in the year 2019, forms 100 or 200, for personal income tax, corporation tax or non-resident income tax, respectively, and a certified list of the bankruptcy credits issued by the receiver of the debtor company.
  2. If the person or company concerned presents the application through an officially designated representative, who is not a legal representative, if the power of attorney is electronic, the document accrediting this; otherwise, the person will fill in the representational certificate which will be published in the Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía with the extract of the public notice of this Decree-Law.
  3. If the beneficiary is taking part in a structural modification operation, copy of the public deed and entry in the public register concerned, or document accrediting the operation, if no public deed is required to enter the operation concerned, pursuant to the regulations applicable.

How is my grant justified when it is approved?

The beneficiaries of public grants are obliged to provide justification for the utilisation of the funds approved, pursuant to the purpose of this grant. Thus the beneficiaries will be required to present the following justificatory documentation between 1 November 2021 and 31 March 2022, and the latter day is the last day for effecting payment of the debts, payments and fixed costs incurred to which this subsidy applies:

  • With respect to the list of debts, payments and fixed costs incurred that have been paid, presented along with the application, for each of these items digitalised copies demonstrating payment will be attached, showing the identification of the receiver of same, and the date of payment. When the creditors are financial institutions, a certificate from the financial institution attesting to total or partial cancellation of the debt will be attached.
  • Within a maximum period of three months, two years after the date of approval of the subsidy, a certificate must be presented to accredit that no increases in the remuneration of senior management have been approved.
  • A breakdown of any other income or subsidies that have financed the items subsidised, with an indication of the amount and origin.
  • Where applicable, letter of payment of a refund in the event of any remainders not applied, and the interest they carry.

The person or company benefiting from these grants must also maintain the activity producing entitlement to them at 30 June 2022, and refrain from distributing dividends in 2021 and 2022, circumstances which will be notified by the AEAT tax agency to the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. Otherwise, the grants received must be returned.

What is the deadline, and how can I apply for the grant?

The procedure for applying for the grant is carried out in two different processes, and the period for submission is from 15 June to 15 September (both inclusive).

During Phase 1, the applicant must fill in a preliminary form in order to ascertain that they meet the requisites to be a beneficiary through the supply of information by the state tax agency (AEAT) and certain data provided by the party concerned on this form.

During this Phase 1, the Junta de Andalucía will initiate proceedings with the AEAT to verify that the persons or companies wishing to obtain the subsidy are tax-resident in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia or carry out one of the economic activities defined in the public notice, and other requisites of Article 5 of the Decree-Law.

The preliminary form will be filled in telematically by means of an electronic certificate or an operational electronic signature, and will be available on the website of the Junta de Andalucía (see link).

The Junta de Andalucía will then notify the parties concerned whether pursuant to the information supplied by the AEAT the preliminary requisites stipulated in the public notice have been met, and the maximum amount that could be requested, which would enable the party concerned to proceed with Phase 2.

It is most important to bear in mind that completion of this preliminary form and the supply of information requested of the party concerned for these proceedings will under no circumstances be considered the official commencement of the procedure for approval of the subsidy, and will not generate any expectations of rights.

During Phase 2, following a positive outcome to the automatic consultation with the AEAT, the potential beneficiary must present a second form (see link), within ten days of notification, in order to commence the administrative procedure for approval of the subsidy.

Concerning the date of presentation of the application, the system will be retrospective with regard to the time at which the preliminary form was completed during Phase 1. If it is not presented within the period stipulated, the date of presentation of the application will be that on which it was actually presented, provided this is within the timeline for presentation of applications.

For more information on the public grants scheme, go to the Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía to consult the Decree-Law and details of the notice posted (see link).

Annex. List of CNAE-09 activities added by the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.




Meat processing and conservation


Preparation of meat and poultry products




Production of other non-distilled fermentation beverages


Production of beer


Production of malt


Manufacture of non-alcoholic beverages; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters


Preparation and weaving of textile fibres


Manufacture of textile fabrics


Textile finishes


Manufacture of knitwear fabrics


Manufacture of items produced with textiles, excluding clothes


Manufacture of rugs and carpets


Manufacture of ropes, cords, strings and nets


Manufacture of non-woven fabrics and items produced with them, excluding clothes


Manufacture of other textile products for technical and industrial usage


Manufacture of other textile products not included elsewhere


Production of leather items of clothing


Production of work clothes


Production of underwear


Production of stockingwear


Preparation, tanning and finishing of leather; preparation and dying of hides


Production of leatherwork items, travelwear, saddlery and harnessry


Production of footwear


Production of other wooden structures and joinery sections and fine woodworking for construction


Production of other wood products; cork items, for basketmaking and espartograss products


Manufacture of other plastic products


Manufacture of ceramic tiles and slabs


Manufacture of ceramic items for household and ornamental use


Manufacture of other ceramic products


Manufacture of basic iron, steel and ferrous alloy products


Manufacture of metal trims


Metal forging, stamping and drawing; powder metallurgy


Treatment and cladding of metals


Mechanical engineering for third parties


Manufacture of household appliances


Other manufacturing industries not included elsewhere


Repair of metal products


Machinery repairs


Repair of electronic and optical equipment


Repair of electrical equipment


Naval repair and maintenance


Repair and maintenance of other transportation equipment


Repair of other equipment


Real estate development


Electrical wiring systems


Plumbing, heating and air conditioning systems


Other installations in construction work


Carpentry facilities


Painting and glazing


Sale of cars and light motor vehicles


Sale of other motor vehicles


Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles


Wholesale trading in motor vehicle spare parts and accessories


Retail trading in motor vehicle spare parts and accessories


Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and their spare parts and accessories


Trade intermediaries in raw agricultural materials, live animals, raw textile materials and semi-finished products


Trading intermediaries in fuels, minerals, metals and industrial chemicals


Trade intermediaries in wood and construction materials


Trade intermediaries in machinery, industrial equipment, boats and aircraft


Trade intermediaries in furniture, household articles and hardware


Trade intermediaries specialising in the sale of other specific products


Trade intermediaries in miscellaneous products


Wholesale trading in textiles


Wholesale trading in clothing and footwear


Wholesale trading in household appliances


Wholesale trading in perfumes and cosmetics


Wholesale trading in furniture, carpets and lighting equipment


Wholesale trading in other household items


Intermediaries trading in foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco products


Wholesale trading in metals and metal minerals


Non-specialised wholesale trading


Retail trading in non-specialist establishments, mostly foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco


Retail trading in clothing in automotive fuel in specialist establishments


Retail trading in telecommunication equipment in specialist establishments


Retail trading in audio and video equipment in specialist establishments


Retail trading in hardware, paint and glass in specialist establishments


Retail trading in rugs, carpets, wall and floor claddings in specialist establishments


Retail trading in household appliances in specialist establishments


Retail trading in furniture, lighting equipment and other household items in specialist establishments


Retail trading in books in specialist establishments


Retail trading in recordings of music and videos in specialist establishments


Retail trading in sport equipment in specialist establishments


Retail trading in games and toys in specialist establishments


Retail trading in pharmaceutical products in specialist establishments


Retail trading in medical and orthopaedic items in specialist establishments


Retail trading in cosmetic and hygiene products in specialist establishments


Retail trading in flowers, plants, seeds, fertilisers, pets and their food in specialist establishments


Other retail trading in new items in specialist establishments


Retail trading in second-hand items in establishments


Retail trading in food, beverages and tobacco in stalls and in markets


Retail trading by correspondence or Internet


Goods road haulage


Removals services


Goods sea transport


Goods transport on inland waterways


Goods air transport


Spatial transport


Deposit and storage


Goods handling


Other activities attached to transport


Postal activities subject to universal service obligation


Book publishing


Magazine publishing


Other publishing activities


Publishing of video games


Publishing of other computer programmes


Activities involving post-production of films, videos and television programmes


Activities involving film and video production


Production activities for television programmes


Activities involving film and video distribution


Distribution activities for television programmes


Activities involving sound and music recordings


Trading in own property


Own property rentals


Real estate agents


Management and administration of properties


Technical architecture services


Technical engineering services and other activities related to technical advisory


Advertising agencies


Communication media representation services


Market surveys and conducting public market surveys


Specialist design activities


Translating and interpreting


Other professional, scientific and technical activities not included elsewhere


Rental of agricultural equipment and machinery


Rental of machinery and equipment for construction and civil engineering


Placement agency activities


Temporary employment agency activities


Other provision of human resources


Private security activities


Integral building and facility services


General cleaning of buildings


Other industrial cleaning and cleaning of buildings


Other cleaning activities


Gardening activities


Combined administrative services


Technical and professional secondary education


Non-university tertiary education


Sport and recreational education


Cultural education


Activities of driving and racing driver schools


Other education not included elsewhere


Ancillary educational activities


Other healthcare activities


Non-residential social services activities for the elderly


Non-residential social services activities for people with disabilities


Daytime child care activities


Other non-residential social services activities not included elsewhere


Artistic and literary creation


Library activities


Archiving activities


Hairdressing and other beauty treatment


Other professional services

Direct Grants Simulator

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249 economic activities accepted in the call.

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Scope of aid extended to more sectors with 491 activities.

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Balearic Islands

Public grant from the Administration of the Balearic Islands.

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Basque Country

The grants are divided into three eligible lines.

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Canary Islands

It broadens the scope to the bulk of economic sectors.

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Aid to satisfy outstanding debts and payments.

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Castilla - La Mancha

The aid reaches 395 economic activities.

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Castilla y León

Public grant from the Community of Castilla y León.

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The subjective scope of grant beneficiaries has been extended.

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Applications may be submitted until 30 September 2021.

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Community of Madrid

They will be extended to 176 economic activities.

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Community of Valencia

Grant to support business solvency.

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Beneficiaries extended to the most affected sectors in the community.

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The grants are distributed into three programs.

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La Rioja

Aid to companies and the self-employed to alleviate the effects of Covid.

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For payment of debt, suppliers and other creditors.

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Entities without legal personality may apply for this aid.

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Principality of Asturias

The grants are divided into 4 eligible categories.

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Region of Murcia

Grants classified into different categories.

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