


Santander Renta Fija, F.I.


For conservative customers that are looking to optimise the risk/return ratio of their investment and, in addition, promote environmental and social characteristics, pursuant to Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088.

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Who is it aimed at?

Time frame Type of fund

Investors with basic financial knowledge.

At least 2-3 years.

It is a Euro Fixed Income Fund, investing 100% in public and/or private fixed income. 


Make medium-term investments in debt issuances

Euro Fixed Income Fund aimed at clients who want to invest in public and/or private debt, mainly Spanish, whose objective is to generate returns in the medium term through assets with less volatility than shares.



Invest in public and/or private debt, mainly Spanish. The average portfolio duration is 4 years and the fund may decrease or increase the duration by approximately 2 years, depending on market circumstances.


Flexible term

Tailored to the rate scenario and the expectations the market factors in for these rates.

Active management of the bond selection

Seeks to take advantage of opportunities in public and/or private debt issuances, mainly Spanish.

Characteristics of the Santander Renta Fija, F.I. Fund

  • Fund listed in the register of the CNMV Securities Market Commission under number 208.
  • The Spanish Securities Market Commission (CNMV) warns that this fund may invest a percentage of 5% in fixed income issues of low creditworthiness, i.e. with a high credit risk.
  • See the prospectus, the KIID and the full factsheet for Santander Renta Fija, F.I.

Main classes of shares in the fund

Class/ISIN Minimum initial investment Costs, expenses
and incentives
Fund valuation

Class A ES0146133006

1 unit

Information on costs,
expenses and incentives


Class BJ ES0146133063

1 unit

Information on costs,
expenses and incentives


Class B ES0146133030

60,000 euros

Information on costs,
expenses and incentives


Class C ES0146133014

300,000 euros

Information on costs,
expenses and incentives


Class I ES0146133022

1,000,000 euros

Information on costs,
expenses and incentives


Class S ES0146133048

75,000,000 euros

Information on costs,
expenses and incentives


If you want to arrange this fund and you are not a customer, become a customer.

What are the risks of investing in this fund?

Investing in mixed investment funds implies assuming a certain level of risk that will depend on the composition of each fund, market fluctuations and other factors associated with investing in securities, so there is a risk of losing all or part of the investment.

In general, investing in funds means undertaking the following risks:


Due to the quality of the assets invested in, as well as the issuers of these assets. This is the risk that the issuer may not be able to make payments.


This is the possibility that financial instruments will have a listed price or a value below the price we have paid for them. In this regard, the investments may be affected by:

  • Interest Rate Risk: interest rate fluctuations affect the price of fixed-income assets. Sensitivity to this risk depends on the duration of these assets.
  • Currency risk: fluctuation of the exchange value in the case of assets denominated in currencies other than the share reference currency.
  • Market risk due to investment in equities: arising from variations in the price of equity assets.
  • Risk from investing in emerging markets: political changes or economic circumstances can affect the value of investments.
  • Geographical or sectoral concentration risk:  the concentration of our investment in a single area or sector increases market risk.


Investing in derivatives (futures, options, etc.) may entail a higher risk, given the nature of these products.


The risk of not finding a counterparty in the market and, therefore, being unable to sell a product.


These risks are related to environmental, social or governmental events or conditions. Factors contributing to the sustainability risk of an investment will include the type of issuer, sector of activity, geographical location and more.

Are you interested?

View more information about the fund and start the arrangement process.


Santander Renta Fija, F.I.

Icon / check Created with Sketch. For investors with basic knowledge.

Icon / check Created with Sketch. With a time frame of at least 2-3 years.

Icon / check Created with Sketch. Euro Fixed Income Fund.


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