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Find out about our Santander Online account, without fees or commissions, and start reaping the benefits.
If you want to switch your incomings from another bank to Santander and you don't yet know how to do so, we can help you with our bank account switching service!
It takes less than one minute to complete the request to switch.
If you only want to move some of your incomings, we have signed an agreement with Qwist so that you can arrange the service with them, through a fully digital, free-of-charge process. How? It's simplicity itself!
In both cases, we recommend that when it comes to a pension that is not part of the General Social Security Scheme or the collection of unemployment benefit, you contact the payers directly.
Without getting your other bank involved, we make all the arrangements quickly and securely.
You might be interested
Find out about our Santander Online account, without fees or commissions, and start reaping the benefits.
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How to switch your account to another bank
How to switch your account to another bank
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How do I view the direct debit bills in my account?
How do I view the direct debit bills in my account?