How can I obtain and activate my electronic signature?
Banco Santander's electronic signature allows you to carry out transactions via our digital channels (mobile banking, Online Banking and Superlínea). If you don't have one yet, read on to find out how to obtain and activate your electronic signature.
To obtain your electronic signature for the first time,simply log on to Santander's online banking platform or app.
Via the website
On the home page of the website, click on "Customer access" and then "Sign up for Online Banking" and fill in the form. Once complete, you will receive both your password, which gives you account viewing privileges, and your electronic signature, which you will use to confirm transactions.
Via the Santander App
In the app, go to the home screen, where you will be prompted to log in. Then pull down the menu at the top right of the screen and select "Get passwords". You will be asked to provide some personal information that only you know. Once you've done this, you will receive your electronic signature and can then carry out transactions using Santander's digital channels.
You can also request your electronic signature at any of our branches.
How do I activate my electronic signature?
Si tienes tu firma electrónica pendiente de activar, cuando accedas a la app Santander o a la banca online, encontrarás directamente una pantalla de activación. Deberás introducir cuatro posiciones de la firma electrónica temporal que hayas recibido y la nueva clave operativa que desees utilizar.
Si no te aparece dicha pantalla de activación, contacta con Superlínea. Recuerda que dispones de un plazo de 24 horas (si la recibes vía SMS) o 30 días (si la recibes por correo postal) para su activación y que deberás cambiarla por otra clave que esté compuesta por entre 6 y 8 caracteres alfanuméricos.
If you have yet to activate your electronic signature, the activation screen will appear automatically upon logging in to the Santander app or online banking. You will be asked to enter four positions of the temporary electronic signature you will have received, along with the new password you wish to use.
If you don't see this activation screen, please contact Superlínea. Remember you have 24 hours (if received via SMS) or 30 days (if received by post) to activate your signature and then enter a new one with between 6 and 8 alphanumeric characters.
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