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Agricultural activities are conditioned by a great variety of risks that man cannot control such as weather conditions, animal disease, or machinery breakdowns.
The Seguro Agrario Combinado is a livestock and crop insurance that can protect your agricultural and livestock farms from these unpredictable risks which could affect your farm during the term of the insurance.
The Seguro Agrario Combinado has the typical coverage of a livestock and crop insurance, sufficient enough to secure the source of income of the agricultural professional, thus reducing their dependence on State aid.
The policy includes the agricultural, forestry, livestock and aquaculture sectors with a series of benefits:
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If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.
Coverages vary depending on the sector insured, and these are defined in Modules or in Guarantees (basic and additional).
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If you would like more information, visit any of our branch offices.
Reduce the risk of lost income.
Insure the total forecast production.
Get access to coverage adapted to your sector.
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