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ACADEMIC GUIDANCERight by your side during your time at university! Wondering what and where to study? Want to know which scholarships are for you? Want to specialise or find your first job? Find out this and much more at Universia. We're by your side. |
UNIVERSITY STUDIESWant to make a decision about your future? Still haven't found the right degree? Thinking about continuing with your studies, but can't decide which specific master's to take? Don't worry. The Universia Studies Portal has the solution you're looking for. |
COURSESFind and compare the best education in Spain and access thousands of courses at the most prestigious universities, business schools and institutions in the country on the Universia Courses Portal. |
SCHOLARSHIPSChoose the scholarship that adapts to your needs and where you are at now in your time at university. |
JOBSFind a job you can grow in where the best companies hire university profiles. |
CAREER GUIDANCE WORKSHOPSTake part in training sessions with consultants who specialise in human resources where we provide you with keys to improving your professional profile and successfully tackling a recruitment process in Santander Smart Talks. |
FINANCE FOR MORTALSLearn about financial education without worrying about your current knowledge of finance and economics. |
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