The monthly balance of your investment

The Comprehensive Statement will allow you to track the performance of your positions, to know the return and the taxation that is applied. 


With the Comprehensive Statement you will have regular available information on:

  • Your wealth situation: a summary of the valuation of your investment by product families at the end of the previous month and for the current month. You can also review the data on the return achieved in the month and the accumulated total for the year.
  • A tax forecast using data from operations with tax implications from the beginning of the year to the date of issue of the Statement.

You will be able to check your integrated statements using our remote channels, as well as the supporting documents for each operation carried out or the tax statement. Knowing this information will help you. 

How to view it

You can check your comprehensive statements, supporting documents and tax statement through:

  • Internet Banking.
  • Mobile app.

More information

If you want to know more, contact us on

915 123 123


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