How to notify a change of address with the DGT
If you change your address, you must inform the traffic department of your new address within 15 days to enable it to send you any notifications. If you do not do this, you may not realise you have received a fine, and may miss the payment deadline. This is a simple procedure you can carry out in different ways.
Change of address via Internet
One of your options is to use the DGT's electronic register. You can gain access with a digital certificate, electronic identity card, PIN number or permanent code. If you have more than one vehicle, you must make one application for each vehicle for which you wish to change your tax address.
The DGT will verify your residence data via the National Statistics Institute (INE). If the address consulted does not match your present address, you can attach your identity card or resident's identity card, your municipal registration certificate or any bill accrediting the new address.
Your change will have been carried out within a week.
It is important for you to be aware that you cannot use this procedure to request a change if the change of address is from the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla to the Peninsula.
At the DGT offices
Irrespective of the reason for the change, you can always do it in person at any traffic office or branch. First of all, you must make an appointment by phoning 060 or via Internet.
Go to town halls with a special agreement
Some town halls have a special agreement for you to register the change of address directly. Check to see if your town hall has this agreement on the DGT website.
Who can carry out the change of address with the DGT?
An address change for a vehicle can be requested by the owner or an authorised party acting on their behalf. In the case of individuals, either the owner or the authorised party can take action. For renting users, this procedure does not require any action to be taken by the customer.
If you do not intend to do it yourself, to make the procedure easier you can designate a representative through the DGT proxies register. This person can act in representation provided they have a signed document authorising them to make the application, stating that this is free of charge. The DGT now has an authorisation form which you can download and fill in on its website.
When you make an appointment by phoning 060, you must state your identity card number and that of the person you are authorising.
Documentation required to request the change
If you intend to apply for the change on Internet, you will need the digital certificate, electronic identity card, PIN number or permanent code to gain access to the application. If the new address does not match the address in the INE's records, attach your identity card or resident's identity card, your municipal registration certificate or any bill accrediting the new address. For company vehicles, you must attach your tax identification card.
To make arrangements by phone, you do not need any documents. They will check that the new address matches the address in INE records, and will make the change if this is the case.
To make the change in situ, you will need the application form you will be given by the traffic department. Also:
- If you are requesting the change as an individual, you must have your identity card.
- If you represent a legal entity, do not forget your tax identification card and accreditation of representation and the identity of the person signing.
Cost of the service
This procedure is free, and if you need a new driving licence for your vehicle due to the change of address, this will also be provided free of charge if you present the old driving licence.
For vehicles coming from the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla to the Peninsula or the Balearic Islands, you must pay charge 4.1 of EUR 8.50 to import these vehicles. First you must have paid and presented the document certifying that the vehicle has gone through customs.