Santander Corto Plazo, FI
Fund that invests in public and corporate debt, deposits, promissory notes and other fixed-income assets.
Fund that invests in public and corporate debt, deposits, promissory notes and other fixed-income assets.
For conservative investors, if you are interested in investing in public and corporate debt issuances.
For conservative investors seeking to diversify their investment while assuming a moderate to high level of risk.
If you want to invest in the Spanish stock exchange over a time horizon of more than 4 years.
For those seeking to diversify their investment while assuming a moderate to high level of risk.
If you're looking to invest in the megatrends of the future: society, technology and the environment.
If you are looking to invest in fixed income through a fund with a specific objective of known returns, not guaranteed, in a specific period.
To invest in a wide range of short-term fixed income assets.
If you want to invest in European companies with a policy of distributing stable dividends over time.
It invests in European companies that are committed to the environment and society.
For those who want to invest in public or private debt mainly Spanish, whose objective is to generate returns in the medium term.
Fund that invests in small and medium-sized Spanish listed companies, which have differential elements in their businesses and medium/low capitalization.
These investment funds are the most popular among our customers – find out more.
Fondos ObjetivoFor you if you have a conservative profile and are looking to invest in fixed income through a fund with a specific known return target, not guaranteed, in a certain period of time. |
Santander Gestión Global Equilibrado, F.I.The most popular mixed fund from the Gestión Global range. |
Santander Corto Plazo, F.I.You can invest in public debt, investment grade credit, deposits, promissory notes and high yield with a duration of around 3 to 6 months. |
Featured funds have been selected based on arrangement details from 01/01/22 to 31/12/22. Source: own data.
An investment fund is an investment vehicle made up of assets from many individual investors, where investment decisions are taken by a management company which represents and manages the investment fund, since it does not have legal personality.
Investing in investment funds involves assuming a certain level of risk that will depend on the composition of each fund, market fluctuations and other factors associated with investing in securities, so there is a risk of losing all or part of your investment.
Due to the quality of the assets invested in, as well as the issuers of these assets. This is the risk that the issuer may not be able to make payments.
This is the possibility that financial instruments will be listed or fall below the price we paid for them. In this regard, the investments may be affected by:
Investing in derivatives (futures, options etc.) may entail a higher risk in view of the nature of these products.
The risk that no counterparty is found in the market and, therefore, a product cannot be sold.
These risks correspond to environmental, social or governmental events or conditions. Factors contributing to the sustainability risk of an investment will include the type of issuer, sector of activity, geographical location and more.
1. The taxes levied on your investments will be dependent upon your personal circumstances as an investor, and may change in the future. For Collective Investment Undertakings (CIUs), individuals liable for personal income tax can benefit from the tax deferral regime on transfers between CIUs, which are made in accordance with current legislation.
Investment funds involve specific risks (such as market, credit, liquidity, currency, interest rate and sustainability risks), and therefore some or all of your investment may be lost. The risks are set out in the fund's prospectus and Key Investor Information Document (KIID).
Before taking the decision to invest, you must consult the fund's prospectus and KIID, which are available from the supervisory body concerned and can also be found on the fund manager's website (www.santanderassetmanagement.es). Your decision to invest in the fund must be made considering all the characteristics or objectives of the fund described in the fund's prospectus and KIID. The investment hereby promoted relates to acquiring units in an investment fund, and not in a specific underlying asset. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results, and if the fund is denominated in non-euro currencies its performance may rise or fall in response to currency fluctuations.
Returns on your investments will be taxed under the tax legislation applicable to your personal situation, which may change in the future.
Management Company: SANTANDER ASSET MANAGEMENT, S.A., S.G.I.I.C., filed with the CNMV under number 12. Depository Institution: CACEIS BANK SPAIN, S.A., filed with the CNMV under number 238. Marketing company: BANCO SANTANDER, S.A., filed with the CNMV under number 49.
This is an advertising communication for commercial purposes. It is not contractual information or information required under a legal provision. It should not be treated as an investment recommendation or advice of any kind, and it is not sufficient in itself as the basis for making an investment decision.
© BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. All rights reserved. Registered office: Paseo de Pereda, 9-12. SANTANDER. Tax ID A-39000013.
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