Tips and tricks to clean the car’s upholstery
RENTING SANTANDER I February 4, 2021
Establish a number of routines for cleaning the car is not always easy. Is upholstery the big unknown? Today we will take a look at some basic tricks and tips to clean the car's upholstery, which will make things much easier for you. You'll see that making the inside of your car look like new won't be so difficult.
If you need to clean off an isolated stain, don't let it dry. Take action within 30 minutes, and start by removing the remains of the substance with a spoon, kitchen roll or a sponge. Do not rub, to prevent the stain from spreading further out. Then clean with a damp cloth, which should be cleaned between each application.
In addition to advice for general cleaning, you should bear in mind that for certain stains you must use specific products and exercise particular care. Here we offer you some pointers:
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